Conservation strategies for the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis: an overview...

Abstract: Chinese sturgeon (Acipenser sinensis Gray), a species with important scientific and economic values, has been listed as a First Class Protected Animal by the China Government in 1989. Due to the effects of human activities, the wild population of A. sinensis has declined drastically in the past 30 years. Though a series of policies and protective measures have been implemented, the number of A. sinensis continues to drop. Considering the declining trend of A. sinensis population resource, some new conservation strategies are presented. On the one hand, some measures should be taken on the management side: (i) fishing should be prohibited in the Yangtze River, (ii) a solid plan on A. sinensis resources conservation should be identified based on scientific criteria for which research should be completed, and (iii) management of the water environment in the Yangtze River system should be enhanced. On the other hand, a lot of emphasis should be placed on studies of the natural population, including the existing and remaining core natural spawning grounds and habitats of A. sinensis. Additionlly, cryopreservation of gametes for gene banking and constructing aritificial spawning grounds for broodstock management are highly necessary, while also the establishment of closed-cycle systems for maintaining captive broodstock is needed in order to provide the quality control needed for the foundation of sustainable farming while at the same time serving as a tool for the preservation of the gene pool of A. sinensis species.

附件下载:J.H.Wang, Q.W.Wei, Y.C.Zou. Conservation strategies for the Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis: an overview on 30 years of practices and future needs.J.Appl. Ichthyol. 2011, 27: 176-180.pdf