Distribution and movement of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, in spawning ground located downstream......

Abstract: Sonic tracking of 40 pre-spawning adult Chinese sturgeons (35 females, 5 males) in 8 spawning seasons (1996–2004) showed that most fish spent time close to the dam (within 7 km). A yearly mean of 64% of the tracking locations of pre-spawners was in the small area, that was 1.08 km downstream the dam (cell I-B of the tracking grid system). These movements indicated fish attempted to move farther upstream and pass the dam. Adults did not visit areas without major water spill or flow, i.e., the boat canal (the  Sanjiang river), the spill gates, and 1# ship lock. Adults were not tracked in the tail waters with fast current of the Erjiang power plant and rarely in the Yichang port, although they ranged from 4 km to 10 km downstream of the dam, they were in the channel. Pre-spawning Chinese sturgeon used the Yichang reach in a non-random manner showed they seeked certain habitats and avoided others. Adults arrived at the spawning ground in a certain day before spawning. Adults moved quickly about spawning ground. After spawning, females quickly moved downstream, whereas males remained at the spawning ground for 12-21 days. During a spawning season, females moved less than males.

附件下载:D.Yang, Q.Wei, K.Boyd, et al. Distribution and movement of Chinese sturgeon, Acipenser sinensis, in spawning ground located downstream the Gezhouba Dam during spawning seasons.5th International Symposium on Sturgeon.May 9-13, 2005. Ramsar.Iran. pdf