
    长江所濒危鱼类保护组科研人员经过4年的研究,首次全面阐明了中华鲟繁殖群体在长江中完整的生殖洄游过程,并针对研究成果提出了长江中华鲟繁殖群体保护需采取的具体措施。掌握中华鲟的洄游节律和可能诱发洄游的因素有利于开展中华鲟的全江段保护,也能为人类活动(如三峡大坝蓄水)对中华鲟生殖洄游的影响提供参考依据和作出相应预测。研究论文被刊登在著名的鱼类学期刊《Journal of Fish Biology》上,并于Wiley数据库在线发表。

From 2006 to 2009, 27 ultrasonic-tagged wild adult Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis [eight males, 19 females; total length (LT) range = 245–368 cm] were captured on the spawning ground just downstream of Gezhouba Dam (GZD) in the Yangtze River. Twenty-six individuals were tracked for 7 to 707 days (mean number of relocations = 859; range = 3–4549). Acipenser sinensis movements were divided into four categories: (1) spawning migration, two tagged A. sinensis (one female and one male) returned to the Yangtze River and migrated from the Yangtze Estuary (river kilometer, rkm, 0) to the spawning ground (1678 rkm) between June and October. Their mean upstream ground speed was 1•41 km h−1 (range = 0•26–2•35 km h−1). The speed of the male was faster than the female; (2) pre-spawning holding, four of five females tagged in November 2008 stayed within 1678•00–1674•15 rkm for c. 1 year before the spawning period; (3) spawning movements, all A. sinensis swam mostly from the tailrace of the GZD (1678 rkm) to the Miaozui (1674•15 rkm) reach and some moved downstream c. 18•21 rkm (range = 3•93–24•64 rkm), but then, returned upstream to the GZD. Most tagged A. sinensis were on the spawning ground on the day when the spawning occurred; (4) post-spawning migration males (n = 6) and females (n = 2) departed the spawning area on a different time schedule, females leaving before males. The mean seaward ground speed of six A. sinensis was 4•87 km h−1 (range = 0•68–7•60 km h−1). There were no significant differences (P >0•05) in ground speeds among reaches or between sexes within reaches between telemetry receivers. These broad spatiotemporal scale results will help establish an effective protection strategy for the species in the Yangtze River.
摘要翻译:2006-2009年,我们对27尾野生中华鲟进行了超声波遥测。其中,定位时长范围为7~707天,平均定位859次/尾。标志鱼在长江中的完整洄游可分为4种阶段类型:(1)溯河生殖洄游(Spawning migration)。两尾超声波标志中华鲟(1尾雌鱼、1尾雄鱼)分别于6月和10月从海中到达长江口并溯河洄游,其中一尾到达葛洲坝下产卵场(rkm 1678),溯河洄游速度分别为0.54 km/h(0.26~1.77 km/h)和2.20 km/h(1.82~2.35 km/h),雄鱼的速度大于雌鱼。(2)产前栖息(Pre-spawning holding)。2008年秋季标志的4尾III期中华鲟在葛洲坝至庙咀约3.85 km的江段长期停留直至第2年的产卵期。(3)产卵迁移(Spawning movements)。所有的标志鱼大部分时间都集中在大江电厂尾水区至庙咀江段洄游,其中,大部分鱼都会在产卵日到来前向下游迁移平均距离约18.21 km(3.93~24.64 km)后再返回葛洲坝下产卵场。产卵发生时,多数鱼都出现在产卵位点。(4)产后降河洄游(Post-spawning migration)。雌鱼和雄鱼表现出了不同的离开产卵场时间的特征。产卵结束后,雌鱼立即离开,雄鱼则在产卵场停留较长时间再行降河洄游。平均降河速度为4.87 km/h(0.68~7.60 km/h),并且在不同江段以及性别之间没有显著性差异(P = 0.56 > 0.05和P = 0.69 > 0.05)。研究结果有助于为长江物种建立一种有效的保护措施。