- Development of 27 novel cross-species microsatellite markers for the endanger...
- Length-weight relationships of 11 fish species from the Yibin reach of the Ya...
- 不同开口饵料对川陕哲罗鲑仔鱼生长和存活的影响
- Length–weight relationships of nine fish species from the streams of Hunan Z...
- Length-weight relationships for five endemic fish species in the upper Yangtz...
- Drastic decline in spawning activity of Chinese sturgeon Acipenser sinensis G...
- 玛柯河两种鱼类的资源量及分布特征
- 养殖中华鲟的产后恢复
- 长江宜宾江段铜鱼属鱼类种间食物关系
- Diet of Leptobotia elongata revealed by stomach content analysis and inferred...
- 多倍体中华鲟微卫星亲子鉴定体系的建立
- Identification of a germ cell marker gene, the dead end homologue, in Chinese...
- Differential expression of fertility genes boule and dazl in Chinese sturgeon...
- 三峡蓄水以来葛洲坝下中华鲟产卵场河床质特征变化
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