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作者:来源:不详 发布日期:2009-10-12 00:00字体大小:【】【】【

  近期,长江水产研究所危起伟研究员领衔的研究团队发表关于白鲟的最新研究论文《Is there evidence that the Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) still survives in the upper Yangtze River? Concerns inferred from hydroacoustic and capture surveys, 2006–2008》在世界鲟鱼保护学会的官方学术刊物《Journal of Applied Ichthyology》发表,引起国际社会广泛关注。


  论文发表后,世界自然保护联盟(World Conservation Union,IUCN)鲟鱼专家组多次发函询问相关情况,英国BBC针对此论文还专门做了采访报道。




  Is there evidence that the Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius) still survives in the upper Yangtze River? Concerns inferred from hydroacoustic and capture surveys 2006-2008

  By H. Zhang1,2, Q. W. Wei1,2,3, H. Du2,3, L. Shen2,3, Y. H. Li1,2, Y. Zhao1,2

  1 College of Fishery, Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China

  2 Key Laboratory of Freshwater Biodiversity Conservation and Utilization, Ministry of Agriculture of China, Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, Jingzhou, Hubei Province, China

  3 Freshwater Fisheries Research Center, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, Wuxi, Jiangsu Province, China

  Corresponding author: Qiwei Wei, Yangtze River Fisheries Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Fisheries Science, No. 41 Jianghan Road, Shashi District, Jingzhou City, Hubei Province 434000, P. R. China. Phone: +86-716-8128881, Fax: +86-716-8228212. E-mail: weiqw@yfi.ac.cn.


  Due to the rarity of Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius), very little information is available on this species. In order to save the critically endangered giant species, four large-range hydroacoustic (surveys using an echo sounder with a 199 kHz, 6.8° split-beam transducer) and capture (by drift nets and setlines) surveys were conducted in the upper Yangtze River during 2006-2008. According to the target strength (TS) study on Polyodon spathula (Hale et al. 2003) and Love’s formula about TS-fish length relations (Love 1971), the four acoustic surveys identified nine potential targets (TS > ‒26.29 dB) of P. gladius, and two (TS > ‒22.40 dB) of them were very probably the fish. A total of 4,762 setlines, 111 anchored setlines and 950 drift net catches were conducted in which 472 fishes of various species were caught. However, we did not catch any single P. gladius. The gear used did not allow to capture quantitatively over rough ground with deep holes, perhaps allowing leave fish to effectively hide or escape. The hydro acoustic signals indicate this likely behaviour. In any case, it is strongly suggested that the fish is on the edge of extinction and we propose further rigid measures to save the remaining fear specimens.

上一篇:长江水产研究所武汉研究中心二期工程奠基 下一篇:践行科学发展观 深入推进互联共建——长江所工作组节前走访金明村
